Acknowledgment of country

Polyglot acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and create, and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. For more than 65,000 years, children and families have created and played here, and we are grateful to make our art on this country too.



National NAIDOC Week web banner, featuring featuring the 2024 poster artwork, 'Urapun Muy' by artist Deb Belyea, and logo, courtesy of

9 Jul 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National NAIDOC Week


28 May 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National Reconciliation Week

23 Apr 2024 Education News

A shared, magical world


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A Family Forts production photo. Two Polyglot artists and a group of small children draw together on a large white surface on the floor. Photographer: Suzanne Phoenix

24 Feb 2023 Education News

“At the basis of creating, we have play.”

February Education News In January, Polyglot welcomed Cat Sewell, our new Artistic Director and co-CEO. She brings extensive experience in participatory theatre, working as......

A Tangle production photo. A child is surrounded by hundreds of strands of colourful elastic. They are laughing and their hands are raised. Photographer: Wendy Kimpton

18 Jan 2023 E-News

Polyglot’s January e-news

Launching into 2023 Our team returned to work last week, recharged and ready to go. 2023 promises to be another big year for Polyglot......

A Sound Shadows production photo. A child with a ponytail plays in front of a screen with red, green and blue coloured images on it. The child has one arm outstretched behind her and the other one in front of her. Photographer: Theresa Harrison

20 Dec 2022 E-News

Polyglot’s December e-news

A tremendous year As 2022 draws to a close, the team at Polyglot is reflecting on an ambitious year of renewed activity and re-connection.......

A When the World Turns production photo. A Polyglot artist in an intricate mask leans over a bank of plants towards a young person, who holds a small torch, and reaches towards them smiling. An adult watches the exchange, smiling. They are in a darkened space, illuminated with dark blue theatrical lighting. Photographer: Theresa Harrison

1 Dec 2022 Education News

“Creative arts experiences are essential to a holistic learning experience and growth.”

December Education News Since Polyglot Theatre was founded in 1978, we have engaged deeply with school communities. The form has changed significantly throughout the......

A Pram People production photo. An adult wearing headphones smiles at their child, who they are holding. The child looks directly at the camera. Other adults wearing headphones and pushing prams decorated with colourful ribbons are visible in the background. Photographer: Theresa Harrison

24 Nov 2022 E-News

Polyglot’s November e-news

“Hilarious and SO relatable.” November has seen Polyglot reach far and wide. We’ve delivered creative development and relationship building sessions for two new works......

Headshot: Cat Sewell. Photographer: Bryony Jackson

27 Oct 2022 Announcements

Welcoming our next Artistic Director & co-CEO

Polyglot Theatre is thrilled to announce the appointment of respected director and creative play expert Cat Sewell as Artistic Director & co-CEO, following an extensive......