Acknowledgment of country

Polyglot acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and create, and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. For more than 65,000 years, children and families have created and played here, and we are grateful to make our art on this country too.



National NAIDOC Week web banner, featuring featuring the 2024 poster artwork, 'Urapun Muy' by artist Deb Belyea, and logo, courtesy of

9 Jul 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National NAIDOC Week


28 May 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National Reconciliation Week

23 Apr 2024 Education News

A shared, magical world


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A bright green rectangle, with pink shapes in the centre.

26 Oct 2020 Announcements

Polyglot Theatre to farewell Executive Director Viv Rosman

After five years of leadership, Polyglot Theatre’s Executive Director and co-CEO Viv Rosman is stepping down at the end of 2020. Viv is returning......

A Cerita Anak production shot. A performer holds a light display comprising of paper octopuses on a marionette in front of a crowd of children. One child has their arms outstretched towards the light display.

22 Oct 2020 Education News

The Theatrical Frame

By Jennifer Andersen I’ve always enjoyed performing in education settings. I like the proximity of the audience, and the intersection of everyday and imaginative......

A 5678 Film Club photo. A student in a black hat, blue jumper and glasses stands in front of a red-brick wall. Their arms are crossed and they are smiling at the camera.

18 Sep 2020 E-News

Polyglot’s September e-news

Building diversity At Polyglot, we know first-hand that different ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds produce a more creative work environment that delivers better results. We......

A Parked creative development photo. An adult and child stand together amidst green foliage, illuminated by dramatic theatre lighting.

13 Jul 2020 Education News

Biophilia and nature deficit: co-designing natural spaces with and for children

By Dr Tanja Beer Have you ever wondered why walking in nature makes you feel so good? Perhaps it’s the abundance of green, the......

A Cerita Anak (Child's Story) production photo. A Polyglot artist sits with an adult and child on the floor, creating colourful sea creatures with construction paper.

30 Apr 2020 E-News

Polyglot’s April e-news

The new normal It’s been six weeks since Australia’s lockdown restrictions came into place, and it’s slowly starting to feel like the new normal.......

A school residency photo. Five students wearing boiler suits pose for the camera on rocks next to a body of water. There are trees and grey sky in the background.

22 Apr 2020 Education News

The ethics of children’s participation

By Sarah Austin As a theatre-maker who works with children and young people in a range of contexts (including within schools and community, for......