Voice Lab
A unique module for collecting the thoughts and opinions of children.
Voice Lab encourages reflective thinking and the articulation of feelings. It is curious and pays close attention to what children communicate. Voice Lab is an immersive, creative experience for children, one at a time.
In a world where the child’s voice is often unheard, Voice Lab provides a way for children to have a say about their present and their future.
Voice Lab embodies Polyglot’s vision to empower children. Its purpose is to listen to children’s voices and use the information they provide to make meaningful changes that can improve their lives.
Children are often overlooked when it comes to life’s big questions and if they are asked for their true opinions, they generally give the answers they think adults want to hear. Voice Lab challenges this learned experience. It provides children with an unmediated space away from their peers, teachers, parents and carers, where they can express themselves without inhibition. Voice Lab makes the child feel comfortable, understand that they are in control, and builds rapport.
Voice Lab offers children the opportunity to:
Express their inner thoughts, challenges, ideas, solutions and aspirations;
Develop communication skills including articulating opinions and ideas while enabling self-reflection and self-awareness;
Develop an understanding that their ideas matter and are respected;
Gain an awareness of their agency and influence;
Contribute to programs and policies that affect their lives in their local community.
Voice Lab is designed to be used in a wide variety of contexts. The conversation frameworks can be tailored to explore children’s world views, gather specific feedback, or generate ideas for plans, projects or policies.
Polyglot is proud that so many different partners have used Voice Lab to ensure that children’s voices are heard in their local communities, and we look forward to working with many more.
Voice Lab partners
City of Booroondara
City of Darebin
City of Greater Dandenong
City of Melbourne
City of Port Phillip and RedRoad Consulting
Wyndham City Council
Mahogany Rise Primary School, Frankston North
St Joseph’s Primary School, Collingwood
Victorian College for the Deaf, Melbourne
Warringa Park Specialist School, Hoppers Crossing
Abbotsford Convent
Connie Benn Centre
Melbourne Fringe
Satellite Foundation
Social Services
Connie Benn Centre
Anglicare Victoria – Communities for Children Frankston and Gandel Philanthropy
The Smith Family – Communities for Children Bankstown
Mission Australia – Communities for Children Dandenong
Mission Australia – Communities for Children, Inala to Ipswich
Physical Mode
Children are invited one at a time into a beautifully designed, serene dome, where they are entirely alone. In this responsive, theatrical space they have a conversation with Voice Lab – an AI character voice driven by a concealed performer that asks questions, encourages opinions and regards the child as the expert. Many children ask Voice Lab questions in return, delighted to have made a new friend who is deeply interested in everything they share.
Download physical mode brochureOnline Mode
Voice Lab online conversations take place via Zoom, with the child using a device connected to the internet. The online mode was developed in response to COVID-19, offering children the opportunity to reflect on change and uncertainty and begin to process the pandemic’s impact on their sense of the world and themselves. Voice Lab online shows children that no matter where they are or how alone they may feel, their thoughts and ideas are important and can have an effect.
Download online mode brochureExamples of children’s responses
Voice Lab: Does it help to talk with others about your feelings?
Child: Yes you should always do that, because then you have someone to look after you, and you have someone who always has your back…
Voice Lab: What do you think it means for people to feel connected?
Child: It makes people feel like they have a place in this world and they are loved.