Acknowledgment of country

Polyglot acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and create, and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. For more than 65,000 years, children and families have created and played here, and we are grateful to make our art on this country too.



National NAIDOC Week web banner, featuring featuring the 2024 poster artwork, 'Urapun Muy' by artist Deb Belyea, and logo, courtesy of

9 Jul 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National NAIDOC Week


28 May 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National Reconciliation Week

23 Apr 2024 Education News

A shared, magical world


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A FLOAT promo image. The reflection of a child in a red jumper and yellow overalls can be seen in a pool of rippling water. A small leaf boat floats on the surface. Photographer: Darren Gill

20 Dec 2023 E-News

Polyglot’s December e-news

Thank you With the arrival of summer in Melbourne, bright and hot, Polyglot is simultaneously looking back on twelve months of evolution, and looking......

A When the World Turns creative development photo. Polyglot artists in khaki explorer costumes engage with students in wheelchairs. They are in a school corridor. Photo: Suzanne Phoenix

21 Nov 2023 Education News

“Small moments of connection”

November Education News Polyglot’s engagement with school communities is woven throughout our 45-year history. Across 2023, we have moved to longer residencies that allow......

A Sticky Maze production photo. A child in a pink dress runs along a wall of sticky tape covered in hundreds of small pieces of paper. They are smiling widely and their long hair fans out behind them. Photographer: Sarah Walker

11 Nov 2023 E-News

Polyglot’s November e-news

Give the gift of PLAY Polyglot is driven by the right of all children to experience growth and resilience through creative play and to......

A Paper Planet production photo. Children and families are gathered closely. They are in a darkened space, illuminated with deep blue theatrical 'nighttime' light. A child reaches up to touch the moon, which illuminates them and the Polyglot artist next to them. Photo: Katje Ford, courtesy of Sydney Opera House

6 Oct 2023 E-News

Polyglot’s October e-news

“You have created something wonderful” This weekend, the sun (and moon!) will set on Paper Planet at Sydney Opera House. We are brimming with......

A Paper Planet production photo. A forest of tall brown cardboard trees adorned with colourful tissue paper creatures and plants grows in a large space filled with natural light. Children and their families create and play with paper and tape amongst the trees. Photographer: Sarah Walker

24 Aug 2023 Announcements

Our adventures in 2023 (so far!)

“This has been an incredible journey.” Child, age 8, Paper Planet From soaring seasons welcoming thousands of people, to deep, ongoing engagement with local communities,......

26 Jul 2023 E-News

Polyglot’s July E-News

“There are many ways to begin finding your play”  Last week, the Polyglot staff team took part in a Cultural Walk along the banks of......