Acknowledgment of country

Polyglot acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and create, and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. For more than 65,000 years, children and families have created and played here, and we are grateful to make our art on this country too.


Sector & Advocacy

National NAIDOC Week web banner, featuring featuring the 2024 poster artwork, 'Urapun Muy' by artist Deb Belyea, and logo, courtesy of

9 Jul 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National NAIDOC Week

Blak Xmas Written by Lauren Swain and Lauren Sheree Characters LOZ 1: Lauren Swain, Dabee Wiradjuri theatre maker, who grew up on Ngarigo Country......

An illustration by Nick Barlow. It features three children, one a wheelchair user, playing with paper, pastels, a torch/flashlight and natural materials. 'PLAY' is spelled out in large, colourful letters in the background.

11 Jun 2024 Sector & Advocacy

International Day of Play 2024

Reflections on Play by Tirese Ballard The value of play has been documented as far back as prehistoric times, by philosophers of ancient Greece,......

28 May 2024 Sector & Advocacy

National Reconciliation Week

In 2024, with the theme, ‘Now More Than Ever’, Reconciliation Week is a clarion call for connection, action and change. Polyglot Theatre remains deeply......

A Forest development photo. Polyglot artists move and dance together along a path between trees. Photographer: Claudia Sangiorgi Dalimore

8 Apr 2024 Sector & Advocacy

Nature Play Week 2024

Nature Musings by Cat Sewell I am energised by nature. I get the feeling my heart might burst from my chest; it gives me......

A Bees production photo. Two children, one wearing handmade paper antennae and holding their adult’s hand, joyfully engage with an artist in a Bee costume (only part of their wing is visible). Photographer: Dan Welk, Des Moines Performing Arts

20 Mar 2024 Sector & Advocacy

World Day of Theatre for Young People 2024

By Emily Tomlins, Associate Director To take a child to the theatre, to places of community and to live art, is not just introducing......

A When the World Turns production photo. An adult shows a message written on wrinkled brown paper to a child, who is smiling. They are surrounded by green plants. Photographer: Theresa Harrison

20 Mar 2023 Sector & Advocacy

World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2023

World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People has been celebrated by ASSITEJ International on 20 March since 2001, and promoted through the message ‘take a......

A photograph of Naomi Tippett AM. She is sitting in a chair at a Polyglot Theatre 40th birthday event and smiling. Photographer: Theresa Harrison, 2018

3 Oct 2022 Sector & Advocacy

Vale Naomi Tippett AM

Polyglot’s founder and friend, Naomi Tippett AM, passed away this morning. We are all deeply saddened by this news, and send our sympathy to......

An outdoor Boats production photo. Children and their adults play with colourful patterned vessels. They are on green grass with a building in the background.

17 Mar 2022 Sector & Advocacy

World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2022

“[Creative experiences are] very important for us because it creates memories and special feelings… It’s like the roots building inside [my] child’s heart and......

A Paper Planet production photo. A child wears a paper branch wrapped around their shoulders and arms, smiling with their arms outstretched. Another child stands to their right, smiling. Behind them are paper decorations and trees made from cardboard. Photo: Mark Gambino.

20 Mar 2021 Sector & Advocacy

World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2021

World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People has been celebrated by ASSITEJ International on 20 March since 2001. It is an important......

A Tangle production photo. A child with short dark hair is suspended upside down amongst hundreds of strands of colourful elastic. They are smiling at the camera.

7 Dec 2020 Sector & Advocacy

Empowering children as cultural citizens

An introductory note from Sue Giles AM On World Children’s Day (20 November), I listened to a panel speak on the invisibility of children’s......

A Cerita Anak production photo. A child stands in the boat, smiling and clapping. They are surrounded by other smiling children and adults. They are illuminated by bright theatre lighting.

20 Mar 2020 Sector & Advocacy

World Day of Theatre for Children 2020

Today is World Day of Theatre for Children, celebrated and promoted by ASSITEJ International through the message ‘Take a Child to the Theatre Today’.......