September 03 - September 04 2022
Sensory play in a wondrous natural world
Polyglot Theatre (AUS) and Oily Cart (UK) invite children and young people with complex disabilities and their families to experience a sensory, creative play session at ArtPlay.

Polyglot Theatre (AUS) and Oily Cart (UK) invite children and young people with complex disabilities and their families to experience a sensory, creative play session at ArtPlay. Together, you’ll explore a strange and wondrous natural world, with sound, light, shadow, performance and play unfolding amongst living foliage.
These sessions are for children and young people who often face the greatest barriers to access, their siblings and their adults.
- Places are strictly limited. Bookings are essential.
- A total of five people can be accommodated per family booking. Each session may have up to eight families.
- ‘Families’ may include siblings, parents, other family members, friends, and support workers of participant children and young people with complex disabilities.
- You will be sent a visual story so that you can prepare beforehand.
- ArtPlay is wheelchair accessible and has an accessible bathroom and baby change facility. They would love to hear from you if you have any access requirements or questions.
- You can arrive and leave at any time during the session.
Session Times & Cost
Saturday 3 September
Sunday 4 September
$10 per family
If this is cost is a barrier for you, please contact ArtPlay via
General Access
- These sessions will take place indoors in the Main Space.
- The ArtPlay building is wheelchair accessible, with wheelchair accessible entrances and bathrooms. These are open at all times while the building is open.
- All bathrooms in the ArtPlay building are all-gender and individual cubicles.
- There is no ATM at ArtPlay.
- Polyglot Theatre and ArtPlay staff are trained in disability and cultural awareness.
- A visual story will be sent to all ticket-holders ahead of their session.
- To help us prepare for your participation, please let ArtPlay know if you have a medical condition or allergies that we should be made aware of in advance, or if you have any access requirements or questions. Please contact ArtPlay via
Family Access
- Baby change facilities are available at ArtPlay. These are wheelchair accessible, and accessible by parents of any gender.
- Water, breastfeeding/chestfeeding and infant’s bottles are welcome during the sessions, however we do ask that there is no eating (where possible) in these sessions.
- ArtPlay has a free water fountain available for refilling bottles.
Getting There
- The closest parking (including disabled parking) is in the Federation Street Car Park (Wilson Parking). To get to ArtPlay from the car park, take the lift or stairs down to the ground level and exit through the door facing out to the playground. Cross over the playground; ArtPlay is the red brick building next to it. For more information about rates and to book parking, please visit:
Public Transport
- Flinders Street Station (train) is wheelchair accessible and has escalators, lifts, a hearing loop and info screens. For the Metro Trains Access Guide, please visit
- Federation Square/Swanston St #13, Stop ID 19499 (tram) is a level access stop, but not all routes that use this stop are currently serviced by low-floor trams. For more information about this stop, visit
- To get to ArtPlay from the train station or tram stop, cross over Swanston Street towards Fed Square and follow the river along Princes Walk until you see the playground on the left-hand side. ArtPlay is the red brick building next to the playground.
These sensory play sessions form part of the creative development for When the World Turns, a collaboration between Polyglot Theatre (AUS) and Oily Cart (UK). Commissioned by Arts Centre Melbourne for major arts and disability festival Alter State, When the World Turns is supported by the UK/Australia Season Patrons Board, the British Council and the Australian Government as part of the UK/Australia Season, with further support from the Cassandra Gantner Foundation, State Trustees Australia Foundation, the Jennifer Prescott Family Foundation, the Marian and E.H. Flack Trust, ArtPlay and Arts Council England.
When the World Turns premieres at Arts Centre Melbourne as part of Alter State from 14-18 September. For more information, please visit
ArtPlay brings together children (from babies to 13 years of age) and artists to explore and create innovative arts experiences that encourage self-expression and playful exchange. ArtPlay offers creative encounters that are by, for and with children and can be experienced at ArtPlay or in your own home.