Polyglot’s next evolution
Harnessing the momentum of a tremendously productive 2022, a full-swing return to performing and touring, and with Cat Sewell as our new Artistic Director, Polyglot is forging our next creative evolution.
In 2023 already, we have reached more than 18,000 people in Australia, Singapore, Norway, Hungary, the USA and Canada. Our work and reach is only possible through a combination of funding and individual donations. Money raised during our annual mid-year appeal supports Polyglot to create our innovative, daring theatre and share it with children everywhere, providing them the opportunity for imagination and adventure through participation.

Big plans are in motion:
New co-CEO dynamic
“We’ve had a fantastic start to the year already, with busy summer and school holiday seasons seeing us reach more than 11,000 children and their families. Immersed in our art and its delivery around the world, it has been lovely working alongside Cat as we grow in our co-CEO leadership and dream up ideas for the future that will help us connect with artists and audiences in new ways.” Kath Fyffe, Executive Director
New artistic relationships
“I’ve had the pleasure to meet with many of our artists one-on-one over the past few months, as well as seeing them in action in Polyglot works. What an incredible group of people they are – highly skilled across many artistic fields, especially the nuanced art of facilitation, play and participatory practice. I’m excited to work, dream and collaborate together as we co-create the artistic future of Polyglot.” Cat Sewell, Artistic Director
New artistic explorations
“As the world continues opening up, Polyglot is undertaking new ways of reaching, working with and collaborating with international audiences and partners. At home, we have begun the exciting work of implementing a focus on art and health; exploring the impact of high-quality art experiences in children’s healthcare and community settings, and the impact of Polyglot’s work on the wellbeing and health of children, families and carers.
We are also delving deep into the concept of sustainability – as an organisation, for our people, and for our environment. A new participatory work set in a forest will begin development later this year. There is so much to look forward to!” Cat Sewell, Artistic Director
Join us for the journey
Support Polyglot’s next creative evolution by making a tax-deductible donation to our 2023 mid-year appeal. With a gift of $250+ you will join us as a valued member of Polyglot’s Circle. With gift between $2-$249, you will join us as an inaugural Playmaker donor.
Join us with a donation
Donations can be made in a number of ways:
Direct deposit
Polyglot Theatre Fund Ltd
BSB: 063 138
Account Number: 1000 1352
Please post to the below address.
Please fill out a donation form to accompany all direct deposits or cheques. These can be emailed to erica@polyglot.org.au or posted to:
Polyglot Theatre
SH1.05, Sacred Heart Building, Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067
If you have any questions about donating, please contact:
Erica Heller-Wagner, Marketing & Development Manager
T: 0432 346 567 E: erica@polyglot.org.au