15 Oct 2018
“Polyglot’s work connects and taps into something universal through art and play”

When looking back at old photos of Polyglot Theatre performances it can sometimes be a little hard to remember where you were. On tour every airport can begin to look the same and every arts centre or patch of grass often gives no clue. However one location we toured to in America in 2017 was an exception. Breckenridge, Colorado provided an exquisite backdrop to Ants, and to my Australian eyes reminds of the marked difference to our own landscape.
The photos we take outside of performance and work time reveal something more about the country, culture, rituals, environment and people that Polyglot’s work reaches. It indicates how beautifully the work adapts and embraces such vast differences; and how at its core Polyglot’s work connects and taps into something universal through art and play.
From the mountains in Colorado, to the desert sands in the United Arab Emirates; to the lush botanical gardens in Singapore, to the natural hot springs in Taiwan. From American cities that show us outlandish attractions, pavement art, and urban scenes that inspire photo shoots. To back home in Oz where our own magnificence is seen in the striking red desert sands of WA’s mining towns, the glorious historical buildings at Werribee Mansion, the splendiferous views of Warrnambool, and the state of the art venues of the Melbourne Recital Centre.
But we do work hard! These snapshots outside of ‘work time’ expose the privileges of touring and small fragments of time – an afternoon, an hour, an evening. They provide a striking visual that helps build an image of the diverse cultural settings of Polyglot Theatre’s work and possibly help to shape our own artistic and cultural identity as an Australian company.
- Tirese Ballard
Breckenridge, Colorado