18 Oct 2018
Sound Experiments in Cleveland

I had never been to Cleveland before, we set up Paper Planet in a gallery with a large glass window, It was great to have the show on display like that. As the forest filled with strange creatures the window display became a wild mess, the imaginings of the hundreds of children who passed through.
Another first for this tour was the sound desk that I had put together for the show. I started testing out some new interfaces that allowed people to control the music by simply touching copper leaves randomly placed along the front of the sound desk.
The participants seemed to be intrigued by this bit of musical magic and I had a lot of fun giving over the musical control to the kids so that they could create their own soundtrack within the space.
Some other memorable moments during this tour was a visit to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame (James Brown’s outfits were especially cool).
I also remember singing some pretty fun karaoke with some of the other performers at the festival.
- Glen Walton
Playhouse Square Cleveland