8 Nov 2018
A life long connection
Growing up in the 80s, Polyglot was frequently referenced in my house. Seeing my first Polyglot show, ‘Digger’s Mate’ by Helen Lunn, based on the book ‘Death of a Wombat’, illustrated by Clifton Pugh was a memorable experience, it stayed with me. I was allowed to meet Helen, and the wombat, after the show and I thought that was incredible. It probably fueled my (already strong) desire to work in the arts. I went on to see other performances done by the Polyglot of that era, including ‘Almost a Dinosaur’.
Fast forward about 20 years and I was strongly sick of working in my cushy IT job at a major university and aspired to make the jump professionally into the arts world. I saw the job of Administrator at Polyglot advertised, and was lucky enough to secure the position in late 2005. I loved working on, and to support, all the shows, workshops, festivals and CCD projects Polyglot threw their energies into over 2005-09. Polyglot educated me; created artistic and industry networks, friendships, and partnerships; and gave me a strong, ongoing respect for the company, and Sue’s work. I have an enormous amount to thank it for.
I hope, now having a small family of my own, that my connection with the fantastic work Polyglot does continues through my child and not just through my love of your work.
Thank you Polyglot.
- Anna Schoo
28A Cromwell Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141, Australia