Youbi is a community art project facilitator and multidisciplinary artist who moved to Naarm from Korea 14 years ago.
In 2023, Youbi joined Polyglot through the project BLOOM at Coburg Special Developmental School. It celebrated students’ moments of growth and blossoming through creative play and sensory exploration. Youbi was deeply inspired by the children’s creativity and Polyglot’s approach to empowering its community through well-conceived art projects.
Alongside her work with Polyglot, Youbi creates animations and images for theatre companies, runs various art workshops, and makes shadow puppetry shows for both adults and children. One of her ongoing projects is called Obang, a theatre for babies created with ArtPlay that has toured statewide.
By crossing various mediums and communities, Youbi continues to refine an artistic practice that engages people and draws commonalities between them and the places they inhabit.