March 23 2024
Dress rehearsal – Pram People (Hong Kong Edition) 「Pram People(香港版)」彩排活動
Melbourne families who speak Cantonese are invited to join us for a special bilingual dress rehearsal of Pram People (Hong Kong Edition) ahead of the international premiere in West Kowloon Cultural District.
澳洲 Polyglot Theatre 誠邀講廣東話的墨爾本家庭參加《Pram People(香港版)》的特別雙語彩排,這是在西九文化區國際首演之前的一次特別活動。

Created by Polyglot Theatre of Australia, in collaboration with WestK FunFest, Pram People (Hong Kong Edition) includes personal stories and experiences of the pram collected from Hong Kong families. During the 60-minute performance, pram users are given prompts through headphones and joined by performers to create a playful spectacle together.
由澳洲 Polyglot Theatre 與 WestK FunFest 合作創作的《Pram People(香港版)》融入了來自香港家庭的個人故事和經驗。在這60分鐘的表演中,嬰兒車使用者將透過耳機收到提示,並與表演者一起創造一場充滿趣味的演出體驗。
Pram People uniquely fuses the stories gathered into a headphone experience for participating adults, a sensory spectacle for babies, and a visual feast for all spectators. Through this surprisingly moving performance, the pram is redefined as an asset to public space and society, connecting and celebrating communities in an interactive and fun way.
《Pram People(香港版)》將收集到的故事透過耳機帶給成年觀眾,而表演亦同時為嬰兒帶來感官刺激,令所有觀眾都可以享受到一場感官盛宴。通過這個令人驚喜和動人的表演,嬰兒車被重新定義為公共空間和社會的一個資源,並以一種互動和有趣的方式連接社區。
Polyglot Theatre thanks Merri-bek City Council for the use of Jones Park.
Polyglot Theatre 感謝 Merri-bek 市政委員會提供 Jones 公園的使用權。
Event Details 活動詳情
Date 日期
- Saturday 23 March
Time 時間
- 10.30am-11.30am
Location 地點
- Jones Park, next to the playground on Harrison St
9-23 Albion St, Brunswick East VIC 3057
Google Maps link HERE - Jones Park, 鄰近 Harrison St 的遊樂場9-23 Albion St, Brunswick East VIC 3057
Age 年齡
- 3 months – 4 years (pram users) and their adults
Cost 費用:
- FREE (免費)
- FREE. Bookings essential.
- A ticket includes 1 pram and up to 2 adults.
- Other family members and friends are welcome to attend as observers, and watch the colourful spectacle unfold. Observers do not need to book a ticket.
- Book now:
- Notes: This performance is for children who ride in prams and the adults who push them. Please bring your pram to participate. Adult participants will be given headphones to wear.
Access 活動須知
General Access
- This Pram People dress rehearsal will be take place outdoors on grass. Please check the weather, bring sunscreen, hats and water bottles, and wear comfortable shoes.
這次《Pram People(香港版)》彩排將在戶外的草地上進行,參與者可以自由移動及與他人互動。請留意天氣情況,帶上防曬霜、帽子和水壺,並穿著舒適的鞋子。 - Jones Park has accessible public toilets and an accessible drinking fountain.
- Please note that it is an off-leash dog park.
Pram People
- 《Pram People(香港版)》 will take place outdoors in daylight. There will be no bright or flashing lights.
- Adult participants (those who book in) will be given headphones to wear during the experience. This performance contains dialogue delivered in Cantonese and English.
成人參與者(已預約的人)將在體驗過程中戴上耳機。這個表演將會使用廣東話和英文進行對話。 - We welcome anyone interested to attend as observers, and watch the colourful spectacle unfold.
How to prepare
- When you come to a Polyglot show we recommend you wear comfortable clothing that allows you to enjoy moving. Remember that you have come for an adventure and there are many ways to begin finding your play. You are curious and this space is yours. Just as you might at the beach, do you take your time and dip your toe in to warm up, or do you run and jump right in? The worlds we set up welcome you to take your time and find your own way to your imaginative play; and our performers are there to join you, or play alongside you, and look after these worlds and their inhabitants.
Family Access
- Pram People is wheelchair accessible however, as we will be outdoors on grass, some surfaces may be slightly uneven. Adult wheelchair users can participate with their child on their lap, and families with children in wheelchairs are welcome to participate if they feel it is appropriate. The soundscape focuses on the experience of parents/carers and babies and toddlers and prams specifically, so it may not appeal to families with children older than 4 years in wheelchairs.
《Pram People(香港版)》是無障礙演出,然而,由於我們將在戶外的草地上進行,一些地面可能會不太平整。成人輪椅使用者可以將他們的孩子放在膝蓋上參與活動,有輪椅孩童的家庭如果認為適合也歡迎參加。聲音專注於父母/照顧者以及嬰兒、幼兒和嬰兒車的體驗,所以對於有4歲以上輪椅孩童的家庭可能不太適合。 - Pram People celebrates the people who use prams. Participants can step out of the 60-minute experience at any time to take a break, feed their children or change a nappy.
《Pram People(香港版)》誠意獻給所有使用嬰兒車的人。參與者可以隨時退出這個60分鐘的體驗活動,休息一下、喂養孩子或者換尿布。 - Prams are an important part of the Pram People. All sizes and types are welcome!
嬰兒車是《Pram People(香港版)》的重要一環。各種尺寸和類型的嬰兒車都歡迎參加! - Water, infants’ bottles and breastfeeding/chestfeeding are welcome, however we do ask that there is no eating (where possible) in the performance space.
水、嬰兒奶瓶和母乳/哺餵都是歡迎的,但我們希望盡量不要在表演空間裡進食。 - You are welcome to bring your own food and drinks for picnicking before or after Pram People.
在《Pram People(香港版)》開結前或完結後,您可以自帶食物和飲料進行野餐。
Getting There
Public Transport
- The Lyndhust Cres/Nicholson St bus stop is approximately 300m away. It services bus route 503.
- The Blyth St/Nicholson St tram stop is approximately 600m away. It services tram route 96.
- The Albion St/Holmes St tram stop is approximately 700m away. It services tram routes 1 and 6.
- Plan your trip on public transport:
Pram People (Hong Kong Edition) is co-presented and co-produced by WestK and Polyglot Theatre. The original development of Pram People was supported by the Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund – an Australian Government initiative, and the City of Melbourne through the Arts and Creative Investment Partnerships fund and ArtPlay. Polyglot Theatre is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.