April 19 2022
Paper and Tape at Point Cook Library
SOLD OUT. This workshop uses paper and construction techniques to explore theatrical worlds through play.

Presented by Wyndham City Libraries
This workshop is now sold out.
Polyglot artists take children through a series of fun activities to make creations using only paper and tape. With puppetry techniques of focus and breath, children bring their characters to life.
Together, they collaboratively design and build environments and landscapes for their creations to live in, sharing narratives with each other through performance activities.
Proof of double vaccination is required for participants aged over 18 years to attend this event and will need to be shown to staff on the day.
COVIDSafe guidelines will be followed to ensure public safety.
Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an adult when using the library and attending library programs.
Please carefully read the event information on your ticket for terms and conditions of attendance.
By booking into this program you are agreeing to follow these conditions:
- Please do not attend the program if you are unwell, have been in close contact with someone who is unwell, or are waiting for results of a COVID test;
- You will need to check in and show your vaccination status to visit the library and attend a library program. All visitors aged over 18 years must be fully vaccinated;
- Social distancing must be maintained at all times during the program;
- Please use hand sanitiser before program participation.
General Access
- Paper and Tape will take place indoors. It is a one-hour workshop.
- Accessible male and female toilets are available.
Family Access
- Baby change facilities are available.
- Water, infants’ bottles and breastfeeding/chestfeeding are welcome, but we do ask that there is no eating in the workshop area where possible.
- The nearest place to purchase refreshments are the ALDI across the road (approximately 33m), or the Stockland Shopping Centre 9approximately 270m).
Getting There
There is accessible car parking with level entry.
Public Transport
- Catch the Werribee line to Williams Landing Railway Station.
- Catch the 495 bus to Point Cook South from Bay 1, Williams Landing Station.
- Alight at Main St/Boardwalk Boulevard (Point Cook).
- The Point Cook Community Learning Centre is approximately 213m away.
Wyndham City Libraries
Kids Holiday Activities
Create and play with Polyglot Theatre using only paper. Learn about native Australian animals with a visit from Reptile Encounters. Get your dance moves on with Bollywood Zumba Dance Workout. Get creative with different crafts and Wynnie Art Sessions, which you can enter in the Wynnie Art Prize 2022.
Our Children’s Librarians have created many fun activities to keep you busy over the holidays. Check them out below! Don’t forget to take photos of your crafts and upload them to the gallery.