Acknowledgment of country

Polyglot acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and create, and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. For more than 65,000 years, children and families have created and played here, and we are grateful to make our art on this country too.

A When the World Turns production photo. A child holds up a cardboard tube, using it to make sounds. An adult leans towards the tube, listening. They sit at a small table in a darkened space, surrounded by plants. They are illuminated by a lamp on the table. Photographer: Theresa Harrison

When the World Turns North American premiere

February Company Update In April 2025, When the World Turns will be presented by Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City......

Paper Planet production photo: Jacinta Keefe, Footscray Community Arts. An intricate, handmade cardboard arch, featuring cardboard container cranes, leaves and gumnuts, opens into a dark performance space. Green letters spelling 'Polyglot' curve across the top.

We’re hiring! Marketing & Access Coordinator

Position Description Position Marketing & Access Coordinator Reporting to Marketing & Development Manager Salary Available on request Position type 0.3 EFT (15.2 hours or......

A When the World Turns production photo. A Polyglot artist in khaki stands in a theatrically lit space, surrounded by native grasses and plants. Photographer: Theresa Harrison.

December E-News

Lincoln Center 2025 – here we come! We are delighted that When the World Turns will be presented by the Lincoln Center for the......

A Pram People production photo. A Polyglot artist in a purple and green costume and a small child reach towards each other. The child's adult wears headphones decorated with purple ribbon, and smiles at the exchange. Photo: Kenny Waite, Abbotsford Convent Foundation.

October E-News

Happy Children’s Week! The child’s voice is fundamental to Polyglot Theatre. Our long-term partnership with Abbotsford Convent Foundation, and our shared child-centered artistic ethos,......

Two artists move through an indoor space. Photographer: Ben Searcy, courtesy of CAAP - Contemporary Asian Australian Performance

Inviting EOIs:
CAAP x Polyglot Theatre
Artist Jam

CAAP and Polyglot Theatre are partnering to introduce Asian Australian artists to the dynamic world of children’s theatre. Delivered collaboratively by Contemporary Asian Australian Performance......

A When the World Turns schools production photo. A Polyglot artist in a khaki shirt uses a long cardboard tube to make sounds, next to a group of young people. They are in a darkened space, surrounded by plants. Photo: Rainbow Sweeny

September Education News

“Creativity, sensitivity and sense of magic” “Creative arts allow children to express themselves, no matter what level of learning or development they are at.......

A Pram People photo. An adult in a green jumper and headphones pushes a small child in a pram decorated with green streamers. They are surrounded by colourful motion blurs. The adult looks out of frame, while the child looks at the camera. Photographer: Sarah Walker

August E-News

Pram People rolls into the UK The first half of 2024 has been busy. Our pink Polyglot suitcases have been packed and re-packed countless......

National NAIDOC Week web banner, featuring featuring the 2024 poster artwork, 'Urapun Muy' by artist Deb Belyea, and logo, courtesy of

National NAIDOC Week

Blak Xmas Written by Lauren Swain and Lauren Sheree Characters LOZ 1: Lauren Swain, Dabee Wiradjuri theatre maker, who grew up on Ngarigo Country......

An illustration by Nick Barlow. It features three children, one a wheelchair user, playing with paper, pastels, a torch/flashlight and natural materials. 'PLAY' is spelled out in large, colourful letters in the background.

International Day of Play 2024

Reflections on Play by Tirese Ballard The value of play has been documented as far back as prehistoric times, by philosophers of ancient Greece,......

A Paper Planet production photo. A small child throws paper into the air while their adult looks on. They are in a theatrically lit space, filled with tall brown cardboard trees. Photo: Katje Ford, Sydney Opera House.

June E-News

Reflect and dream In the last few weeks, Melbourne has well and truly embraced the seasonal change. Autumnal leaves glow, and the air is......

National Reconciliation Week

In 2024, with the theme, ‘Now More Than Ever’, Reconciliation Week is a clarion call for connection, action and change. Polyglot Theatre remains deeply......

Cubbyhood at Gowrie Victoria Clare Court

Writing and photos by Sarah Gardiner, Educational Leader, Clare Court In May 2024, 12 Kindergarten programs at Gowrie Victoria Clare Court were invited into......

A behind-the-scenes photo of the creative team, Paper Planet in specialist schools. They smile at the camera, and hold up colourful paper creatures and creations. Photo: Nick Barlow.

May Education News

Polyglot’s in-school programs invite children to experience the joys of creativity and collaboration, while developing their critical thinking skills. Over the past two years,......

A Come Back Home production photo. A Polyglot artist wearing black smiles at a group of children and their adults who are moving towards them. They are on a large, theatrically-lit stage. Photo: Studio ZNKE, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay.

A shared, magical world

The role of early learning centres and schools in the long-distance creative collaboration process of Come Back Home By Sylvie Meltzer In late 2020, Esplanade......

A Forest development photo. Polyglot artists move and dance together along a path between trees. Photographer: Claudia Sangiorgi Dalimore

Nature Play Week 2024

Nature Musings by Cat Sewell I am energised by nature. I get the feeling my heart might burst from my chest; it gives me......

A Bees production photo. Two children, one wearing handmade paper antennae and holding their adult’s hand, joyfully engage with an artist in a Bee costume (only part of their wing is visible). Photographer: Dan Welk, Des Moines Performing Arts

World Day of Theatre for Young People 2024

By Emily Tomlins, Associate Director To take a child to the theatre, to places of community and to live art, is not just introducing......

A Pram People (Hong Kong Edition) promo photo. Adults wearing headphones push prams decorated with brightly coloured ribbons on the Harbourside Lawn. Photo courtesy of Learning and Participation Team, Performing Arts Division, West Kowloon Cultural District

Showcasing Australian creativity on the world stage

February Company Update In our 46th year, Polyglot Theatre is once again set to share our unique, participatory performances with children and families globally,......

A FLOAT promo image. The reflection of a child in a red jumper and yellow overalls can be seen in a pool of rippling water. A small leaf boat floats on the surface. Photographer: Darren Gill

Polyglot’s December e-news

Thank you With the arrival of summer in Melbourne, bright and hot, Polyglot is simultaneously looking back on twelve months of evolution, and looking......

A Sticky Maze production photo. A child in a pink dress runs along a wall of sticky tape covered in hundreds of small pieces of paper. They are smiling widely and their long hair fans out behind them. Photographer: Sarah Walker

Polyglot’s November e-news

Give the gift of PLAY Polyglot is driven by the right of all children to experience growth and resilience through creative play and to......

A Paper Planet production photo. Children and families are gathered closely. They are in a darkened space, illuminated with deep blue theatrical 'nighttime' light. A child reaches up to touch the moon, which illuminates them and the Polyglot artist next to them. Photo: Katje Ford, courtesy of Sydney Opera House

Polyglot’s October e-news

“You have created something wonderful” This weekend, the sun (and moon!) will set on Paper Planet at Sydney Opera House. We are brimming with......

A Paper Planet production photo. A forest of tall brown cardboard trees adorned with colourful tissue paper creatures and plants grows in a large space filled with natural light. Children and their families create and play with paper and tape amongst the trees. Photographer: Sarah Walker

Our adventures in 2023 (so far!)

“This has been an incredible journey.” Child, age 8, Paper Planet From soaring seasons welcoming thousands of people, to deep, ongoing engagement with local communities,......

Polyglot’s July E-News

“There are many ways to begin finding your play”  Last week, the Polyglot staff team took part in a Cultural Walk along the banks of......

A Come Back Home production photo. A child wearing a paper hat joyfully points to colourful fabric bunting hanging above them. Other children and families create and play in the background. They are on a large stage, illuminated with bright theatrical lighting. Photo: Studio Znke, courtesy of Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore

Polyglot’s June e-news

Cycles and seasons Recently, Artistic Director Cat Sewell led the Polyglot staff team in a reflective activity about cycles and seasons. What they mean......

A Pram People production photo. Adults wearing headphones decorated with brightly coloured ribbons dance with their baby next to their pram, which is decorated similarly. Other families with prams and headphones are visible in the background. Photographer: Theresa Harrison

Polyglot’s May e-news

Harnessing momentum 2022 was an ambitious year of renewed activity, re-connection and purposeful change for Polyglot. We’re thrilled to share our 2022 Annual Report, which......